Extraordinary Apports and Phenomena with
Felix Circle
The Dec.15, 2009 Felix Circle séance (http://felixcircle.blogspot.com/)
resulted in exciting phenomena and 3 astonishing apports.
Our following Witness Report (first
published in the Felix Circle Homepage on December 21, 2009) is a good example on what is possible between two worlds.
Not everything received was and is
understood right away. Obviously our spirit friends continue to keep us
busy with deciphering work of their messages.
Report on
Felix Circle Séance Dec.15, 2009
- Witness Report by Karin and Walter
Schnittger -
After a warm welcome by all group
members we, Walter, my husband, I and Inge, a guest from
Australia, were guided down to the séance room which was equipped
with the familiar traditional English cabinet at the end.
Since this witness report on the
Felix Circle work is not the first one, and it will not be the last
one, we shall not go too deep into details. We therefore
just state in summary what we were able to witness.
Objects like a trumpet, drum, bell, a plaque and a
wind chime at the ceiling could be seen in the séance room. We were
seated near the “point of action”.
After listening to the instructions for a
successful séance, given by the circle leader, the medium went slowly
into the state of deep trance.
After the medium got into the trance state, Hans
Bender, the spirit communicator welcomed the group and the guests. He
told Walter and myself: I have the feeling that somebody is approaching
that close that it will be possible to potentially provide a direct
message to you. It is a deceased scientist, but I cannot yet recognize
who it is. I perceive that he feels attracted to you and that he is only
present this evening because of you. As far as he will be able to make
himself recognizable, the progress of the evening will show this”, Hans
Bender continued.
Throughout the seance Hans Bender gave
instructions to the circle leader to change the position of the drum and
trumpet and to dim or increase the brightness of the plaque (a wooden
phosphorescent square of appr. 18 cm x 18 cm) etc. He as well asked the
sitters several times to hold hands to strengthen the energy for the
physical phenomena. Music and singing was also requested. He announced
the building of energy clouds, which actually was then recognized by
some sitters throughout the duration of the seance. Hans Bender told us
that the energy field was initiated and would build up slowly now.
First phenomenon experienced was the sound of the
wind chime from up the ceiling which we heard repeatedly throughout the
séance. After that not only tapping noises were heard originating from
different spots at the ceiling, they sometimes even followed the rhythm
of the music. The trumpet went up into the air several times, it came
quite close to Walter's face and even slightly touched the circle
leader’s forehead.
Quite loud raps and taps were heard by the sitters several times.
While some sitters felt the usual coldness around their knees, others
felt a draft over their face. After about an hour of
action the activities focused on the plaque. These phenomena were highly
interesting. Various shapes were seen on the plaque throughout the
duration of the seance.
I myself saw many images appearing on the plaque
of which I would like to describe three, the ones I saw with clear
features as shown below: Fan Structure, Mountain Range, Wrist with
Pointing Finger and Thumb.
Ectoplasmic Structures
seen by the

Karin Schnittger (KS): Wrist
with pointing finger and

KS: Mountain Range

KS: Fern Structure

Walter Schnittger (WS):
Constantly flowing object

WS: Fingertype Object

WS: Black object in the middle
without visible connection to the outside
The phenomena with fingers and different shapes
happened several times during the seance. Twice we saw
the plaque rotating slowly by approx. 90 degrees.
It might be interesting to mention that Hans
Bender worked in close cooperation with the so-called chemists. In one
particular occasion we heard a low-voiced conversation between Hans
Bender and the chemists, obviously to discuss the next steps.
At one point of the seance Hans Bender asked the
circle leader to hold the trumpet with the wide opening close to the
ceiling, at the same time asking the sitters to jointly count from three
to one, three to zero, and last but not least 10 to zero, a procedure
which seemed to be new to the group sitters.
Arriving at the zero of the last counting, a noise
like the dropping of an object was heard by some sitters. It was assumed
by the circle leader that this was the materialization of an apport
which was confirmed by Hans Bender later on, stating that the apport
includes a message from some spirit person for Karin and Walter
Close to the end of the séance H.B. mentioned: “If
the information is correct that I have available here, there is a
greeting from a deceased friend of Walter and Karin here somewhere in
the room”.
After turning on the light in the séance room
there were three wax-ball type apports on the floor, one pretty large
and 2 smaller ones. As we learned later on after the opening of the wax
balls, two of them had a connection to us.
The small one contained a stripe of paper with
pretty clear handwriting in a foreign language. It was identified later
in the evening that it was a message in connection with Red Cloud.

Picture: "Red Cloud is my name". Message in the
Sioux/Oglalla sub-dialect "Lakota". The Felix Group's connection to the
Harrogate Rainbow Circle, whose main spirit-guide is "Red Cloud", may be
behind this short greeting message. Papersize about 7,6cm x 1,3cm
The large apport showed a stamp from
Poland with a picture of Nikolas Kopernikus and in addition a
small key and a steel ball of 9 mm diameter. It is now
work in progress to solve the riddle, we believe it has a symbolic

Picture: The "Kopernikus"-Apport from the 15th December 2009 - a 1973 stamp from
Poland, a steel ball and a miniature key.
This apport was a big surprise for us. Almost
exactly 5 years ago, Nikolas Kopernikus surprisingly contacted us in one
of our regular trance sittings with the Claudius Congregation. This
summer 09 we visited the most important places of his life.
The second smaller apport connected to us was
announced by Hans Bender as a greeting from a friend of us. The apport
shows on a small piece of paper a signature and some Rongo Rongo type
signs (Easter Island language). Interestingly the signs on the apport
have similarities to those received with the Scole film work about 13
years ago where we participated. At that time we received 2 double lines
with in total about 55 Rongorongo type signs that we were/are unable to

Picture: burnt paper
piece with 6 rongorongo-like not yet deciphered glyphs and the signature
of Dr. Vladimir Delavre (deceased 2007). Papersize
about 7cm x 0,7cm
Now we have some of them again and we will again try to get the meaning.
Good hints or proposals are more than welcome.
The second half of the paper stripe took us about 3 days until we had
the solution. It is as always, once you have it, you just don’t know why
it did not come to your mind first place.
It was a big joy for us when we finally identified it as Dr. Vladimir Delavre’s signature. His
signature is a typical Doctor’s signature as you find them on

Picture: Dr. Delavre’s original signature, taken
from the defunct publication "Transkommunikation" from the nineties
He passed over in 2007. In addition to his
profession as a medical doctor, he is well known too because of his very
interesting work in trance.
We now are very happy about his way to send
greetings. We had conversations with
Vladimir during lifetime and a communication with him in February
09 during a Claudius Congregation sitting at our place where he asked
us to pass on a message to his wife.
So, one riddle is solved, 2 are still open.
Finally, we are very thankful to the total Felix
Circle team that we could participate in this séance on December 15, 09
and we send greetings to the Spirit World, which keeps us busy with
their riddles. If we would know how to pose them a riddle too with our
greetings, we definitely would do it. (But maybe the way we all behave
during lifetime may already be riddle enough for them).
December 21, 2009
Karin Schnittger
Walter Schnittger
Some additional remarks:
While living close to
Norwich in
East Anglia for 6 years, we attended about 30 sittings of the Scole
Group in Norfolk/England, and participated in the experimental work with
the Scole Spirit Team.
The experiments included the most
magnificent results with photographic films. We don’t want to go into
more details in this report, but there seems to be a connection between Scole
1996 and the apports received now during the Felix Circle Séance on
Dec.15, 2009.
The glyphs received now with one of
the apports at the
Felix Circle on
December 15, 09 have a distinct similarity with the glyphs on Scole films.
Three glyphs are identical, originating from
3 different Scole films:
(from the left to the right)
1. Wie der Staub Film,
2. Dragon Film,
3. German Poem
There is a speculation that the last sign on the right could
schematically be Minerva as typically shown on the reverse side of a
Roman coin, the Claudius As, see
coin picture in line 3.
The origin and the meaning of these
Scole film signs were not clear to us til mid of Dec.09. This
Felix Circle apport has motivated us to again invest quite some energy
to solve the Scole film riddle.
The origin of the 55 glyphs is identified now after 13
years. See separate report "Scole Film "Wie der Staub"" in
Topics of
this website.